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All About Personal LoansAre there things you have been wanting to do such as repair your home, buy a car? Well there are things you can do to get that process started. In fact more than 6.5 million British residents have been trying to get a personal loan to get the things they need. The Bank of England rate hikes in 2007 have been a problem for many because they are struggling to pay back the loans. Having a home or car is necessary to make an income and be safe. If you are someone looking for a personal loan there are ways to avoid bad deals and get a fair deal. Personal loans or unsecured loans will give you the chance of borrowing money without losing your home or other risk if you don’t meet the repayments. There is more flexibility in the loans such as borrowing 500 to 25,000 pounds. You can pay it back in six months or ten years. You get to choose the period you will have the loan. If you aren’t certain of the amount you want to borrow there are loan calculators that will help you determines what amount you can afford. By using the loan calculator you can find out if you need to borrow less or could potentially borrow more based on the repayments you would need to make during the month. Other things to consider are the interest rate you can obtain. Remember the interest rate could be higher because of the type of unsecured loan. You may have higher interest rates because of your credit history. The good news is the rate on personal loans are fixed. You will be paying the same amount on the loan for the term of the loan. In other words once you are awarded that loan the interest rate will not change. At the moment the going rate for a personal loan is 9 to 10 percent. A lot of lenders are offering this great deal. If you get anything above 9 percent you could be in a trouble zone. The best rates are 6.5 to 7 percent if you can get them. You shouldn’t go after loans you can’t get though. If you have bad credit then your chances of getting a personal loan are reduced. Lenders don’t want too high of a risk. By being rejected you could hurt your chances of getting a loan that you could obtain. So don’t let a lender show you the rejection, be wise in the loan you apply for. The shorter term for a loan is always your best course of action. You don’t want a longer loan especially for an unsecured loan, but that doesn’t mean you should completely forgo the option. Get the shortest term possible for the amount you need. The monthly payment and interest will decide this for you. There are some other fees to be concerned about. They do not include set up fees though. A lender may charge a fee for paying off the loan early. You may also find that getting cash elsewhere to pay off a loan early means paying some of the interest as well. Borrowers end up paying more than they have to. So, double check your agreement for the additional fees such as penalties. By knowing what the agreement says and paying attention you can save yourself more money in the end than you might have spent with a secure loan. You also get to feel a lot safer with this type of loan because you don’t have the threat of losing your home to the bank. Back To Financial News May 2008 Are air miles credit cards right for you? |
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