Corporate Credit CardThere are many reasons to obtain a credit card when you are discussing your personal needs, but there are also several reasons why you might want to have a corporate credit card to use for your business. When you own your own business you have expenses that can be written off with your taxes as well as many uses for a credit card at any given point. When you have a business credit card you are asking for a higher limit than you might have with a personal card and business oriented rewards. First with a corporate credit card you need to have rewards that are going to help you towards the needs of your business. If you have a lot of flights that you take for your business you will want a business credit card that offers you mileage with your purchases. You also want to have a plan that will offer you discounts at most of the stores you shop at for business items like paper, printer ink, computers, desk furniture, and other business needs you have during the year. The important part of these discounts is the amount you should be able to save. The American Express Business Gold Rewards card is just one of the corporate credit cards on the market at the moment. This credit card lets you earn up to 40,000 bonus points in the first year. These points can help you get the flights you need and other discounts. There is also no limit as to how many you can actually earn in a year. You will find there are no black out dates for flights with any airline. They also allow you to save up to 25% on business purchases depending on the stores and items. There are other corporate credit cards through American express and other companies that will offer you these deals and more. It will depend on what type of business you really have. A corporate credit card offers you a way to succeed at business by saving as much money as possible. It also gives you a way to get the things you need right away rather than waiting on income that hasn’t come through yet. Let’s look at the SimplyCash Business Card for a moment. This corporate credit card offers 5% cash back on gas, office supplies, and wireless services. It also allows for 1% cash back on almost all other purchases, an introductory APR and no annual fee. As you can see from our other example there are definitely differences in credit cards depending on the type of business you have. A corporate credit card is not just for small businesses. Other business like the multimillion dollar businesses have corporate credit cards at their disposal for the needs they have. This means that they have most of their upper level staff with corporate credit cards so that they can purchase items they need, go on business trips and have recorded expenses back to the corporation rather than paying these employees back. Channelregister.co.uk |
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