Will Comparing Credit Cards guarantee you a better rate?
The very short answer to this is no. Should you choose to compare credit cards across the open market then this is an excellent idea however, you must be prepared for the fact that even though you are doing this, it won’t guarantee you a better APR rate.
Many choose to view all the credit cards available on comparison websites not just to obtain the best APR rate they can get, but also to size up potential lenders in terms of customer service, friendliness and the ability to maintain contact quickly and easily.
If you choose not to way up the different factors of credit cards then the decision is completely up to you, but once you have found a credit card then you will need to go through the process of transferring over to another lender.
There is one benefit to you, should this occur and that is if you find a rate which is lower than your current lender providers then to keep your custom, they may be willing meet or even surpass the offer by arranging you to have a more competitive rate.
I will be completely honest in saying that should you look at all the credit cards then available could potentially prove to be the most cost effective method for your wallet and perhaps even your lifestyle. With work proving to get in the way and a lack of time can make this seem like an unnecessary chore but in the long run will prove to be more worthwhile and perhaps even more affordable.
If you want to start comparing credit cards then there are numerous search engines where you can direct your search and come out with a list out of the hundreds of providers that 1) will be able to help based on your individual circumstances and 2) provide the most competitive APR rate possible. This site has pages that can help you click here to see a range of credit cards.
- www.google.co.uk
- www.yahoo.co.uk
- www.ask.co.uk
- www.uswitch.com
These are hundreds of the potential sites that can be used to compare credit cards and I can guarantee by taking the time to peruse the options that are available to you then this can make a huge difference to your wallet even if it only means the difference of a few pounds.
Not everybody is completely happy to search for the best deal, many people work completely on family / friend recommendations and this is completely acceptable but in this type of scenario it is vital to remember that no rate is the same for any two people so always bear this mind should you not decide to compare credit cards but I would strongly suggest you give it a try to see exactly what you can dig up.
There will be a reasonable rate waiting for you and it can make a huge difference to your financial circumstances and could spell the difference between being able to keep up with the monthly repayments or not. Make your choice, by comparing credit cards just to see what you can get for spending a little time searching the open market.