Keeping Your Credit Cards Safe
To take care of your credit cards you might think about some of these common sense thoughts:
- Sign your credit cards as soon as you receive them.
- Do not carry your credit cards in your wallet If possible. Instead keep them in a pocket within your clothing so that they are less likely to be stolen.
- Keep in a safe place the numbers for your accounts and the dates of expiration of the cards. Ideally learn them by heart and then destroy any record of these card details.
- When making a transaction with your card, do not lose sight of the card and and recover the card as quickly as possible.
- Ensure any incorrect receipts show that the transaction has been cancelled and that you have not been charged.
- Destroy regularly the copies of your receipts that the shop where you use your credit card will give to you when you make a purchase.
- Only keep the receipts long enough to check the purchases with your statement of account.
- If you see a transaction on your credit card statement notify the card provider immediately and query the purchase.
- Advise your credit card provider in advance of any change of residential address.