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Credit Cards Are In, When You Are Traveling

Never leave home without your credit card and it stands true for every traveler anywhere in the world. If you are planning to use your credit cards while traveling then it is certainly a good idea for the following reasons:

  • You will have a complete record of your expenses incurred during your travel or holiday. It will be useful for tax purposes and as a record especially if you travel for business.
  • You will get a better exchange rate if you use your credit card to obtain foreign currency.
  • If your credit card is stolen or if you lose it then your maximum liability will be £50.
  • You can get travel insurance with your credit card

There are many people who need to travel more often for business and there are many more who travel for pleasure at least twice a year. If you’re traveling abroad, then you should know how your credit cards work and how you can really benefit from them. Every travel credit card has its own set of advantages and can offer various options, which can help you save a lot more during traveling over a period of time. You can get some great discounts on accommodation, flight booking, rent a car etc. You can even collect points and win free flights, merchandise, and much more. Let us take a look at some of the benefits of a travel credit card.

Travel credit cards are also known as the ‘air miles credit cards’ and they have grown to be one of the most popular cards types. The benefits on offer vary from company to company. Some cards will only allow the use of points earned for purchasing air travel tickets while others will allow you to get accommodations or rent cars at discounted rates. The options are definitely limited in terms of the normal credit cards or business credit cards.

If you are really looking for free miles then you don’t have to necessarily go for a travel credit card. Instead, you can look for standard credit cards that offer free miles. Some of the standard credit cards don’t offer air miles, but they do offer points, which you can accumulate to get discounted tickets or free tickets from particular airlines. There is another underlying benefit. If you are traveling abroad then you can also use the same points for shopping and accommodation at discounted rates. This way you will have more options on how you want to use your points.

Travel credit cards offer quite a few ways of earning points. You can get a point for every dollar worth of purchase. There are some travel cards, which will offer you a front point package at your first purchase and this can vary from 5,000 to 20,000 points.

The most important thing is that before you get a travel credit card, you need to go through the requirements and everything that is written in the fine print. You need to find information regarding loss of credit card, the various benefits, the interest rate or APR charged, the cash limits etc.

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