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Best Credit Cards

Credit Cards

Of so many products available in the market, best credit cards are the ones that offer you maximum flexibility, low interest rates, zero annual and other set-up fees and come with a host of rewards programs. Basically, these cards give you the convenience of purchasing any product or service on credit. For the best credit cards, you must have good income and a healthy credit rating. To find out which ones are the best and what they offer, you have to do some research on the Internet or visit the local credit union office. Best Credit Cards generally offer these features:


Best Credit Cards are the ones that tailor its schemes and packages according to your needs. Say, you want a card that offers 0% balance transfer for 9 months. Or, you want a card with a higher credit limit and a deferred repayment plan. Best credit cards accommodate all these features. You define your requirements, the card companies would add these features and give you the power and convenience of buying on credit using your card and give you the feel of the best credit cards in your possession.


Best credit cards have low APR or annual percentage rate of interest. The amount of outstanding on your credit card carries an interest. The interest component depends on the company that is marketing your card and your overall financial and repayment position. You can have best credit cards offering you 14-15% APR. There is also the option to go fixed APR. Secured credit cards usually carry low APR. In order to get a secured credit card, you need to have a bank deposit pledged to the card company as collateral. As the risk is considerably less, the companies charge low interest. Depending on your income and credit history, you can have the best credit cards offering you attractive APRs. You need to check on the Internet to know the latest schemes.


Best Credit Cards offer their customers lots of incentives and rewards. These are basically given to encourage you in spending on your card. You collect points every time you make a purchase. Later, you can redeem these points for attractive gifts and discounts. Best credit cards offer cash-back offers too. Under this scheme, you get back a portion of the amount you spend on a purchase as a reward. You can have 1-5% cash-back offers on some of the best credit cards.

Best credit cards do monthly credit bureau reporting. This automatically reports your outstanding and repayment position across all credit agencies. If you are good in repayment, you get a good credit score and this enhances your eligibility considerably for various credit offers like mortgages and auto-finances. Holding one of the best credit cards gives you a unique sense of achievement and great satisfaction.

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