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The Difference Between Small Business Credit Cards and Corporate Credit Cards

You have probably seen the advertisements for business credit cards, but do you really understand the differences between a small business credit card and a corporate credit card? Here are just a few:

  • Small business credit cards are usually the ones you see being advertised, even if they just say they are “business credit cards” rather than “small business credit cards.” With corporate credit cards, separate accounts are often created specifically for that corporation and the corporation may even receive its very own customer service team.
  • Small business credit cards are pre-packaged, whereas corporate credit cards are created with that specific corporation in mind. These accounts are only available to very large organizations, companies, or government entities.
  • You are personally responsible for repaying your small business credit card. A corporate credit card, on the other hand, will bear the name of the corporation and the corporation is liable for the charges.
  • Both small business and corporate credit cards will help break down your purchases to help you with record keeping. Corporate credit cards, however, go much further in depth and may even have their own customized software in place when it comes to tracking expenses.

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